No cough: load weed - evaporate temperature range concentrate



Using their lungs, people have been using marijuana for over 6,000 years. Until recently, the only one method was to smoke the dried flower buds of the plant. In the process of combustion, certain parts are exposed to different temperatures: some substances have time to transform into steam, while others completely burn out, turning into useless and harmful smoke. And then this cloud enters the human lungs. Small particles of smoke, due to their greater expansion, seem to envelop larger particles of steam, due to which the latter are not so actively condensed (into sticky wax) on the inner surface of the lungs. But enough to make a person cough. Mild cough.

As a result of a large number of studies of marijuana in recent decades, a new method of use has appeared on the market, which has gained great popularity - this is the evaporation of inflorescences at temperatures up to 220°C. Due to the absence of combustion, all substances have time to undergo evaporation without forming smoke. The vapor cloud of inhaled substances is significantly larger than when smoking. There is no smoke in it, and nothing prevents the active condensation (into sticky wax) of steam on the inner surface of the lungs. As a result, the person coughs very badly.

But in the cloud obtained by evaporation, we are interested in a very small amount of substances - these are cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. And they all have a boiling point in the range of 110°-220°C. The rest of the substances, whose boiling point is below 110°C, do not represent any significant value for us. And that means that they can be neglected. As a result, the cloud of inhaled substances is an order of magnitude smaller than with the above-described methods of use. And the person does not experience any impulses to cough. is a very simple and reliable (all stainless steel) device that allows you to consume marijuana using the TRC method. You can download the 3D model absolutely free on the website and print it at your nearest workshop on a stainless steel 3D printer. Below you can also watch a simple and short video instruction. Roughly speaking, this is the device into which you load the weed, but evaporate the concentrate from these weed. You can of course use as a traditional* vaporizer, But keep in mind that the vaporization efficiency of this device is much higher than the most of vaporizers on the market - save your lungs.

Of course, the sensitivity of your throat and lungs to the inhaled vapor cloud is rather an individual characteristic of YOUR organism. Someone never coughs at all while vaping, and someone cannot take even one puff without cough. We conducted hundreds of experiments with more than 30 varieties of marijuana and a dozen volunteers, and revealed a simple pattern:

The more low-temperature substances (substances with a boiling point below 100°C) in the inhaled vapor cloud then higher chance what a person will cough.

If for traditional vaping you use high quality marijuana that has been pre-dried for a very, very, very long time, then most of the low-temperature "volatiles" and "super volatiles" substances have already evaporated from this weed in natural way. The likelihood of coughing in this case will be lower.

But, if for traditional vaping you use marijuana of dubious quality (unfinished, or accumulated a lot of fertilizers, chlorophyll, etc.), then higher chance what you will feel an irresistible desire to cough.

TRC-vaping is a great option for vaping weak buds, trimm, low quality marijuana, or if you got a high tolerance to the high quality weed. TRC-vaping (in effect, taste and logic of its receipt) is most similar to Rosin. The main difference is that to get Rosin you need a press, while to get TRC you need and a heatgun (with a ceramic heater and temperature control).


A few words about condensation losses.

Of course, you don't need to get TRC. You can also use a convection oven or Volcano Digit. But be aware of condensation losses - this can be especially important in areas where the price of marijuana is too high. So you could avoid overspending.

In TRC-vaping the volume of the final (concentrated) vapor cloud is several times less than traditional vaping. So - to avoid unnecessary losses of cannabinoids - it is advisable to reduce the surface areas with which this vapor will be in contact before it enters your lungs - to minimize condensation processes.

Well, that is if you have about 10% of cannabinoids in traditional vaping in the cloud, then the composition of the condensate will be about the same. Well, yes, the condensation process itself is not entirely linear, because the surfaces on which all this condenses - they also gradually heat up. But the composition of the condensate will be about the same - 10% cannabinoids and everything else. And, therefore, it is theoretically possible not to pay attention to condensation losses.

But! When you have a TRC-vaping, the final cloud is very small, and it usually contains more than 60% cannabinoids. And here is a simple rule - the less they condense on the way to the lungs, the more will get into your bloodstream. is specially designed in such a way that the cloud condenses exclusively on the inner surface of "links", which have narrow channels to reduce these condensation losses. However, you can evaporate even these losses later with the same success, because "link"-vaping is also prescribed in

* A few words about traditional

The quality (strength and softness) of steam in Traditional vaping depends on two main factors:

1. The area which steam contacts, making its way along the inner channel of the vaporizer from the place of its formation (evaporation in the lump) to the human lips. The smaller this area - the less condensation losses, and therefore the higher the steam strength.

2. The temperature of this area of the inner channel of the vaporizer with which the steam is in contact. The longer this channel remains cold during the evaporation process, the more low-temperature substances will condense on it, and therefore the steam will be softer.

And for vaporizer manufacturers, this is always a compromise between: a short but hot steam path (dynovap) or a cold but long path (vap ice bong). solves this problem due to the low thermal conductivity of stainless steel and at the same time the high weight of special zigzag-"links" (5 grams each). We have one of the shortest and coldest steam paths at the same time! With traditional vaping, the vapor is as strong as possible and at the same time incredibly soft and cold.

And if you keep most of the (tube links) in the refrigerator ( 3°C) for a while before using it, then in traditional vaping you will get a steam that almost looks like a TRC. You'll get steam, the same strength or more as the dynovap, but up to 10 times softer, cleaner, and colder than after an ice bong ;)

So, to sum up, with weed,, heatgun and refrigerator, you can get 4 new experiences:

100%TRC-steam, using the trc-vaping method. It feels like something like rosin with icebong;

≈90%TRC-steam, using the traditional vaping method and a refrigerator. It feels about as if several icebongs were placed inside the dynovap;

≈50%TRC-steam, using the traditional vaping method. It feels about as if one icebong were placed inside the dynovap;

and link-vaping :)

Q: Who is the target group of the project?

A: Dry bud macrodozers. No matter for what reason - whether it's medical use or the search for more vivid psychedelic effects - (together with the knowledge about TRC) can become an indispensable assistant to the individual macrodozer for one simple reason: You will be able to vaporize up to 0.4 grams of weed in just one(!) large deep puff without coughing and without any unpleasant sensations in the throat or lungs at all.

Q: Almost 150 grams of stainless steel .. why ??

A: stainless steel is a kind of individual accumulator of cold and heat with a fairly high peak load. Large and heavy battery to store a lot of cold and a lot of heat. And it’s made of stainless steel to not so quickly (but enough) quickly give and take (thermal conductivity 17 W/m * K). When the tube (with links inside) stored in refrigerator - it accumulates cold, a lot of cold. Then, when weed is used, with the help of this cold, more low-temperature substances will condense in the links, making the vapor softer. But at the same time, the links will also take a lot of heat from the hot vapor (cooling it). And after using these links remain very hot long enough to better facilitate the natural evaporation of low-temperature substances from the condensate. We also consider that this constant, very slow cooling of the links facilitates the gradual conversion of condensed THC and THCV molecules into CBN and -8THC molecules: all volunteers noted a pronounced calming and more sedative effect of link evaporation compared to the original marijuana strain consumed via

Q: What are the economics of link-vaping?

A: Once you start using as your primary consumption device, you'll start spending about 7.5% less money on marijuana from the first puff. As we wrote above, it's all about leveling out the inevitable condensation losses. The fact is that using any other method of consumption, be it vaping or smoking, your condensation losses are inevitably from 5% (in the case of something short and small) to 10% (in the case of something big and long). By using link-vaping, not only do you level out the condensation loss (by vaporizing it afterwards), but because of the special design of the link, this condensation is self-cleaning, becoming essentially a kind of analog of rosin.

Link's update. 12.22.2021

Absolutely all users of in real life leave positive feedback about link-vaping. And, as we've written before, we also consider that very slow cooling of the links facilitates the gradual conversion of condensed THC and THCV molecules into CBN and -8THC molecules: all volunteers noted a pronounced calming and more sedative effect of link evaporation compared to the original marijuana strain consumed via

As for the subsequent cleaning of the links, the most effective way is the usual open fire: just hold the link for 1 minute over the fire (heat it to red), and then just wait for it to cool down.

And now we've improved the links so that each link collects and retains condensation even more efficiently. And so that the use of the links is even cleaner and more problem-free.

We added cross grooves to the inner channel of the links. And from each groove we made lateral branches - a kind of "underground" condensate storages. And now, when stands and cools down after use, the heated condensate inside the links first collects in the transverse grooves and then flows into the side "underground" storages under the action of gravity.

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We have developed an adapters for single, double and triple extraction chambers dynavap. This development combines the mobility of the dynavap with the cooling and cleaning capabilities of the link system And TRC-steam is now available for dynavap users, as well as dynovap macrodozers. Download.



Also, at the request of one of our customers, we have developed an adapter for the Eastern European version of dynavap, which in the local market is called "Dimavap". This vaporizer functions exactly like the American dynavap and has a built-in bimetallic plate in the cap, which clicks when heated. The main difference of the Dimavap is that its extraction chamber is about three times larger than that of the dynavap. Download.



If you would like to buy our device, please email us at

Unfortunately, there aren't many buying options at the moment. And the buying process itself through our website is not very fast, as each order requires individual fabrication.

To start the deal from you are required:

- the desired number of devices;

- type and number of adapters;

- the desired "text" to be printed on the device instead of a logo;

- the delivery address (so we can calculate the shipping price);

- desired blockchain (cryptocurrency) for payment.

After that you will receive an email with the calculated total amount and a crypto-address, to which you should make an 100% advance payment.

After the transaction appears on the network, we send your 3D-model to print. Printing may take some time due to the natural queue for printing and possible rework. After successful printing and post-processing, we check that the device is fully functional and then send the device to the delivery address you specified.

The approximate price of is $150.